Iwa Inez Kos - Psychotherapy and counselling

Polski Français

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The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step - Lao Tzu


How I can help

I offer individually tailored psychoanalytic psychotherapy and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) services for adults and adolescents in Paris. Depending on your needs I can offer both brief and long-term therapy.

I offer a safe and empathetic space while trying to understand the nature of your difficulties during confidential sessions. I am aware of how much courage it takes to work through one's difficulties, and how every person has a unique life experience. Drawing from acquired knowledge and experience I will help you to make sense of your feelings, relationships and experiences and work through your problems.


About me

I am accredited psychodynamic psychotherapist registered with the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC), cognitive-behavioural psychotherapist (AFTCC, BABCP), as well as interpersonal psychotherapist (IFTIP, IPTUK). I am also registered as a clinical psychologist with 14 years of experience (N° ADELI 949322945). My areas of expertise include depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, trauma, stress management, and lack of sense in life.


Book a session

Please contact me on
+33 (0)6 43 45 42 64 or surowka.psychotherapy@gmail.com to book an initial consultation.

You can also book an appointment directly through Doctolib:


What is CBT? | Making Sense of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

What is psychodynamic therapy?

Interview - Psychotherapists around the globe

I had the great pleasure to be interviewed as part of the fascinating intercultural project : "Psychotherapists around the globe". In this interview, I have discussed my experience of working as a psychotherapist in Paris, France.